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Int 2F Fn 7A20  - Novell Netware - Advanced Netware 4.0 DOS Requester - G  [N]

   AX = 7A20h
   BX = 0000h

Return: AX = 0000h on success (installed)
       ES:BX -> far call address for DOS Requester

Notes: the DOS Requester replaces the NetWare Shell (ANETx, NETx) on
     NetWare LAN's as of the release of Advanced NetWare 4.0 (1993).  It
     is backward compatible with NetWare 2.1x through 3.11 servers as
     well.  Note that there was a NetWare 4.0 in the early 1980's, which
     can cause confusion.
   this call is used as the installation check by VLM.EXE, which is the
     loader for all the modules of the DOS Requester
Index: installation check;NetWare 4.0 DOS Requester

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